Sunday, July 12, 2015

Road trip day two: Oban to Inverness

The Day two of our road trip!
Our second day started early so we could see Oban and then have time to stop at all the sights we had in mind.

Our first stop was at Mc Cain's tower which overlooked Oban. The panoramic view from up there was beyond beautiful! The best part is that we had the whole view to ourselves! No queues, no people to have to push aside to be able to see the view! It was all peace and quiet.... Aaaahhhh

After our walk we decided to have "breakfast" at the highly recommended Oban Chocolate Company!

Our breakfast consisted of a tea each and two types of chocolate fondue: dark and milk, accompanied with bananas, strawberries, biscuit, marshmallows, chocolate clusters, gummies and chocolate biscuits. In addition, we shared a waffle with whipped cream and strawberries! Yum!!! It was so delicious and 100% sugar that after 2 hours it gave us all a headache and  we crashed! Haha

After our nutritious breakfast we decided to drive til the end of Oban and see Dunollie... The tiny structure on top of the hill covered in plants.

We drove on M2 and once again we stopped pretty much everywhere we saw a sign with a tourist spot, this time we stopped at Dunstaffnage castle. We stopped by and since we had to pay to enter we only walked around it and took a couple of pictures.

The scenery once again was beautiful, it is green everywhere with castles here and there! Castles in Scotland are the equivalent to temples in South East Asia they are absolutely everywhere!... Even in the middle of nowhere like Appin:

Our next stop was a village called Glencoe. Super cute cottages with amazing views of the mountains.

We then went to the Glencoe visitor center that had an amazing viewpoint where we could admire the highlands. 

A little later we stopped at a beautiful viewpoint That resembled Switzerland, only that Switzerland is SOOOO much better (or at least that's what Lukas has been telling us about everything and anything! Swiss chocolate... Superior! Swiss mountains... Much more beautiful! Swiss education... The best! Swiss water... More fresh! Hahaha... And literally the list could go on and on and on and on)

(Swiss soldiers... Better! Of course!)

Here is our little car driving through the highlands of Scotland :-)
Our next stop was the Bridge of oich. We didn't know anything about it but we still stopped to check it out!
I love the next picture because it summarizes the vacation! Being a selfie hater (I believe a big face on a picture takes away from the beauty of the scenery) I thought it was hilarious that Maria and Sophia took a selfie pretty much everywhere. 
Girls took selfies while Lukas... Tried to show off his physical skills! Haha
Our final stop of the day was Urquhart castle in Drunnadrochit. We got there around 6pm so it was already closed (not that we would pay the £15 entrance fee) so we decided to take pictures and get creative...

Here's our fun yoga pose in front of the castle :-)
After a couple of pictures we decided to head towards Loch Ness and we finally reached Inverness around 7:30 pm. We checked in in our horrible hostel and decided not too spend much time in our rooms but instead go explore the town!

The stroll by the water was simply beautiful! We got to see the colors of the sky change to a beautiful pink/ purple color and had a very relaxing walk on our way to Hootananny!

Hootananny was the recommended pub (by Rick Steves) to listen to traditional Scottish music! The place did not disappoint AT ALL! we thought we were going to go to bed early but we ended up staying there well past 1am listening to a beautiful duo playing the guitar and accordeon! 

When we left the bar there were so many drunk people outside! A group of guys decided to pick up Sophia and take her for a ride! Haha 

Day 2 of our road trip was a total success!!!! 

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